MU Games ئاپەکان

三国神魔志 1.0
MU Games
三国神魔志是由MUGames开发的对战游戏。除了即时战略、团队作战外,还拥有特色的英雄。东汉末年,外戚专权,宦官秉政,政治腐败,天灾不断。公元184年,全国大旱,粮食颗粒无收,然而朝廷赋税不减,走投无路的贫苦农民在巨鹿人张角的号令下,纷纷揭竿而起,头扎黄巾高喊:“苍天已死,黄天当立,岁在甲子,天下大吉”。在黄巾起义的风暴之下,东汉政权风雨飘摇,名存实亡。在镇压黄巾起义的过程中,董卓趁机谋朝篡政,挟天子以令天下。一时间,北有曹操,南有刘备,东有孙权,西凉有马超,长安有董卓。各地群雄并起,逐鹿中原。步云之地,当有龙舞,乱世天下,方见英雄。我们的故事,也将从这里开始Three Kingdoms mythicaldeveloped by MU Games battle game. In addition to real-timestrategy, fighting as a team, but also has the characteristics of ahero. Eastern Han Dynasty, Dukes autocratic, eunuchs Illustrative,political corruption, natural disasters continued. AD 184, thenational drought, grain crop failure, however, diminished taxcourt, desperate poor farmers in the opening angle of the ordersJulu people, have to rise up, plunged Yellow Turban shouting:"Heaven is dead, yellow days when Li, aged in six decades, theworld is down. " Under the Yellow Turbans storms, Han regimeprecarious, in name only. In the course of the suppression of theYellow Turbans, Dong Zhuo took the opportunity to seek towardsusurped power, Emperor to the world. For a time, north of Cao Cao,Liu Bei south, east, Sun Quan, there Xiliang Ma Chao, Dong Chang'anthere. Over the warlords, the Central Plains. Buyun land, whenthere is the dragon dance, chaotic world, the party see a hero. Ourstory also starts here